Sunday, March 8, 2009


Please TELL me, how does anyone allow themselves to get this big?? I am tired of hearing excuse after excuse of why someone is so big that they cannot get out of their home. It literally sickens me (no lie) when I watch programs on obese people that have to be CUT out of their home because they are sooo big. There is no reason, (no rational reason anyway) why someone gets that big. They LOVE food. Which if ok, love food if you want but exercise as well. Don't get so big to where you can't leave your house, you can't walk, bathe, or do any daily acitivities. It is pure laziness.

So ok, they are stuck in their house and can't do anything but cry about how fat they are and blame society for being disgustingly overweight. Take some responsibility for your actions!! Once you allow yourself to get so big and can't move, then it's the government, (us tax paying citizens) who picks up the slack of the operations all of the morbidly obese people want to have. We pay for these people to live, eat, and breathe. You know they are not doing anyting to make any money to support themselves. So it's you and I who monetarily support these big, fat, disgusting people. I think it's sad that there are too many people who feel sorry for these people. I say, DON'T feel sorry for them. They did it to themselves and that they should support themselves, if they can't then they are not allowed to mooch off the government. That is the problem with the US these days. The government does not hold anyone accountable for what they do to themselves. "You're overweight, oh that's ok, we'll pay for you." "You're a single mom with 6 kids already and need taxpayers to pay for 8 more kids? Oh, problem!" Accountablity is the key and maybe if people are held accountable and didn't receive the funds, the insurance, donations etc. then maybe these people would think twice.

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